FLIFF39 Volunteer Meeting

Entering our 39th year, FLIFF is seeking volunteers to assist in the office, at theaters, at over-the-top parties, in marketing, as drivers, and in many other capacities. Whether you’re a professional, a retiree, or a student you’ll work with a great team of people, gain valuable experience, earn community service hours, and increase network opportunities.

Although FLIFF volunteers may work hard, during their time off they can see some of the top new films, hobnob with talent, and develop new friendships.

If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the application below and we look forward to you joining us both year round and during the film festival in November.  

Please fill out the following information if you are planning to volunteer for the upcoming festival or year round: 

Volunteer Sign-Up Form
Are you available to volunteer year-round or just for the Film Festival (Nov 8 - 17) *
Have you volunteered for FLIFF in the past
Are you over 18? *
This is optional but it helps us in assembling teams for certain events
Location of Choice *
Do you have any restrictions about working outside for long period of times? *
Do you have any restrictions standing for long periods of time? *
Do you have any restrictions lifting heavy items? *
Do you have bartending experience? *
Do you have Food Service Experience *