- Savor Cinema
A PLACE IN THE DARK revolves around Trent, a reclusive man consumed by a devastating loss, and his co-dependent relationship with Krystal, a woman battling her own demons. Their lives upend when Trent encounters Brenda, a troubled social worker linked to the enigmatic Francois Gerard. As Trent delves deeper into Brenda’s world, he uncovers unsettling truths. Their journey tests their limits, leaving them teetering on the edge of destruction. Can they find redemption or succumb to their darkest desires? Will Trent follow his heart, or will he ignore what he truly wants? Experience this unforgettable clash of Love and Pain in this unflinching story of human frailty.
Director: Robert Peters is a Nigerian filmmaker who has directed successful films, including 30 Days in Atlanta and A Trip to Jamaica. He has worked with top actors from Hollywood and Nollywood and earned numerous awards and accolades. Peters founded Whitestone Filmworks, and has worked on various projects, such as Voiceless (2020) and Christmas in Miami (2022). Ifé Duckie is a writer, producer, and director born in Kingston, Jamaica. She founded Ifé Creative Works and has worked on movies such as Choices (2020), Christmas in Miami (2021), Queen’s King (2023), and her debut feature film A Place in the Dark (2023).
Special Guests: All the filmmakers
Sponsored by: Barbara Ryan